more photos from the paramour... it really is like a dream. the most gorgeous skyline view of l.a. and the trickle of the pool would be enough to keep me from venturing away for a longlong time...

the dress was a birthday present to myself (months ago) and i just haven't worn it... but i absolute adore it. the length, the silk, the colors... this is one of those dresses that makes you feel better as soon as you slide it on. have you seen the fall winter kate preview? i love it and have my eye on a few pieces... maybe i will post my favorites :)
how is your summer wrapping up? i'm eating a lot of fruit, watching tons of movies at home, taking short walks, drinking lots of iced coffee and will hopefully be taking a road trip next week. i finished true blood season 2 and i'm almost wishing i had t.v./cable so i wouldn't have to wait for season 3. i also finished rome... what shall i do with myself? haha... i think i may start heros. any movie suggestions?
i want a burrito.

(dress-winter kate, headband-h&m, jewelry-vintage/maya/brazil/h&m/f21)
thanks again to dana for sharing her beautiful home
The dress is simply stunning...as are the photos.
We are just wrapping up our Winter here in New Zealand, so I've exhausted my DVD collection of Laguna Beach, The Hills and The City (don't choke, it's my secret indulgence) Pulp Fiction, Freaks And Geeks, My So Called Life and The Go Girls. So I'm looking forward to hazy, lazy days where watching DVD's is off the menu because it'd just too sunny outside.
Wow I love that dress!!!!
gorgeous pics, dress & place.
have you seen that older movie, "dangerous beauty?" if not you HAVE to see it, it's one of my all time favs!
oh my goodness the first picture is so beautiful and elegant. do you like horror movies? not slashers or thrillers but true-to-the- genre horror flicks? if so, check out House of the Devil (2005?). it's my favorite movie of the summer. that and A Single Man.
Adore your styling! And that first photo is amazing.
Love Grace.
first pic has me definitely, wow, somewhat "dreamin' in desire..." hey, jus' "keepin'it/bein' real," ya know!? ;)
"eastern-flava-design" of dress is truly "tres elegante," and roundin' the look with amazingly matching jewelry & "regally righteous" headband render your look absolutely, "divine, darling!" :)
sabella, you seem to stunningly, somewhat organically embody & epitomize the following quote as the true foundation of your so singular "signature style," sweetheart. adore it & ever "keep on rockin' it..." --- "adorable u!" :) <333
“when you find a look that speaks to you, you'll be comfortable and look (so) beautiful. that's the real power of fashion—to (wondrously, dreamingly) enhance who you already are.” (nobody does it betta, babe...!) ;)
~~~ adam glassman
ps: words/remarks in quotes (...) of glassman quote, of course, yours truly. ;)
omg that house/pool is amazing!! Do they ever rent their house out for events? it would be perfect!!!!
answer: Thank you!
OMG, par amour looks awesome and your dress even much more, brava!
Enjoy it as much as U can, ciao!
You remind me of Natasha Khan in these photos. She's beautiful, and so are you.
great photos :)
how not to "wondrously dream...!?" ;)
well, allow me to explain ...
sabella, initially it jus' kinda blows one (me, at least, lol) away, that first enthralling photo ....! as it's jus' so truly "beautifully gorgeous!" :)
upon lil' reflection, & yes, a bit of "dreamin'/reverie," --- kinda epiphanally, occurred to me .... ;)
you see, most humankind hardly ever really pause enuf to reflect upon, marvel at how the sun --- yes, that "golden, fiery orb" we most ev'ry day (routinely, for grantedly) view in the sky above --- is actually "the source" of ALL LIFE here on planet earth ...! yet, we kinda tend to forget those biology/science lessons, and fail to truly realize & "really marvel at the wonder & splendor" of it all...! :)
now to my "exquisite epiphanal moment..." and why, as i shared in a recent post poem, somewhat the basis of my fascination w/the sheer beauty of sunrises/sunsets...! ;)
well, sabella, with you already lookin' so stunningly in that "divine birthday dress," babe; and then, to be "so magnificently, wondrously sun-bathed, sensuously sun-kissed..." by those brilliantly bright, glowing rays of solar sunshine emanating from the heavens ....! well truly, have mercy ...!!! ;)
so, i rest my case, as indeed --- how not to "wondrously dream...!?" :) <333
that location is perfect for your outfit~~ and for living!
Such a beautiful dress!
love the first ethereal shot
JJ Scholl
You just rock the maxi dress, love it !
GOOD LORD! where do i start! the first and last two shots are my favorite, and boy are they FAB!!!!
love the dress!
i am 6 years late to the lost party, but i have been watching the dvds. i am on the last season, and i am sloughing my feet as i DO NOT want it to end! but weeds is a super series if you are interested, as is californication, and dexter. love them all! oh. nurse jackie is really good too!
That dress is so beautiful! I love it with the headband.
I'm hosting a giveaway (House of Harlow 1960 ring) on my blog, and would love it for you to enter!
Oh my gosh, this is a gorgeous dress! You look fabulous. Love it.
You look amazing! Long dresses are so refreshing to see!
As for recommendations, check out the tv series Summer Heights High (it's funny like how The Office is funny...but funnier and Australian)
Lovely photos! That dress looks AMAZING on you! xoxo
You got such amazing photos, im in love with the pool.
Great outfit too
A fashion blogger based in Australia and Hong Kong.
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Please also visit my blog for Olivia Palermo =)
i love the dress! and the photos are so amazing as well as the setting.
i can't believe summer's winding down... i'm taking a short road trip down to seattle. where are you heading?
you're beautiful! and i love the print of the dress, and your jewelry.
This is one of the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen! How amazing! I really love it.
It's just sooooo gorgeous. And I love the title of your post!
This is just so amazing, I can't get over it.
Thank you, dear.
Best wishes from one blogger to another,
that's an amazing dress. love it!
btw check out my giveaway of $100 worth of A'GACI merchandise! ends thursday.
That dress is incredible. I love it. You look amazing. I love the locale for these photos.
WOW!! I loved ur style. xoxo
really loving this dress xxxxxx
loveee the dress!
Gorgeous dress, photos and pool! I want to take a dip.
Oh the dress IS lovely. I adore the sort of clothes that make you feel that way! And your life does sound so lovely. I adore your perspective!
Also, I finally figured out why we see eye to eye on so many things: we both don't have cable. That must be it ;-).
gorgeous pictures !
There is something so gracious about long dresses.
I love this one : the print and the fabric that look so light...
aaaawwww! how very pretty!
looks like paradise!
What a beautiful dress...and beautiful backdrop too.
That is the dress of my dreams! It is so, so gorgeous, and looks beautiful on you! Love these pictures too! :)
that long dress on you is so lovely. you rocked it!
love ur style
pls visit my blog http://www.jidhu.blogspot.com/
AMAZING dress! and the place looks lovely. in your dress, you almost match the statue!
Gorgeous photos, love that dress, and the setting is of course amazing:)
Unbelievable! The dress, the scenery, all of it is amazing!
It's still hot here in Texas and will be for at least the next month so it doesn't seem like the end of summer yet. I'm just working and catching up with friends, considering a shopping ban (at least for a month,) and trying to eat healthy and get in shape before my birthday...
Anyway, do you like Felini movies? Try checking some out, weirdly wonderful!
amazing style!
What beautiful photos; I'm jealous! Lovely dress, too. x
wow. fantastic photos. and i absolutely love that dress. its so beautiful! !WOW!
xx ediot
What a gorgeous dress! I really live the looks of it!
juliet xxx
such beautiful shots. Love the dress and vibe in these photos.
All of these photos are simply lovely and look like they could have come straight out of a magazine photo shoot. I love your style.
Oh and as far as fringe handbags go (I'm obsessed with them), I really adore the Carla Mancini Penelope. It's big enough to fit everything you could ever dream of and it has the added benefit of two straps (one short and one long) perfect for wearing almost any way you want!
love the outfit, you look so serene and gorgeous!
xx raez
Oh my goodness, you are gorgeous, i love your style-that dress is so pretty and dramatic.
I think I just stumbled upon your blog somehow...soooo glad I did.
What a stunning location you look gorgeous and I love everything about this post awesome xoxo
absolutely fabulous!!! :)
Smiles and hugs
oh my that place is so stunning and you look as if you belong there. that dress is amazing on you beautiful one.
i am just getting ready to start watching true blood season 3 and i will think about movies for you. i am the movie queen but have been quite disappointed lately. thinking.....
this is so fabulous! i love the shots, the location and your cool outfit....
really cool fun!
*thumbs up*
Beautiful pictures and lovely outfit to match!
LOVE that dress! Of course, Winter Kate :) You look like an adorable little flower child!
Amazing dress. love the headband.
you're so elegant!
Great outfit!
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