
furious peace. sub-vinyl

here is a peek into one of my other projects.... furious peace.
i sang backups and obviously modeled for the cover... which do you like more? i think i know which i like best, but we go back and forth and a decision needs to be made soon. comment with which you'd like to see be our first album cover!

i can't wait for you guys to hear it! i will definitely be posting tracks/links as soon as i can...

rock n roll it



Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were in a band - amazing stuff.

Love them both but I think i'm liking the first one best xx

rouli said...


Stacey said...


Closet Fashionista said...

WOAH COOL! I think I like the second one best, haha

TMRK said...

you have such a lovely blog.
follow me :) xoxo

Anonymous said...

title's really, rather quite "OXYMORONIC," hopefully, not indicative of overall quality, musicality...

patrick said...



Anonymous said...

@ patrick


souuds pretty much akin, likely to your IQ... :)

Andrea said...

lovely pics! very interresting!

V A N E S S A said...

Wow,I love it!

Hugs from:

Unknown said...

This is really cool! I like the colours of the first, but can see it's you better on the second...dunno...that didn't help at all huh.

Vera said...

Can't wait to hear what you've been working on! This is amazing, you're so talented!

wobblinbetty said...

wow!!! this is so hawt!!
loving the second one more but they are both mind blowing!

Rohini said...

I like the first one better. :)

babygirliegirl said...

Great!! I´m really looking forward to your music! I like the second one best. I guess the colours of the cover fit really to the name of your band! Cool stuff!

Raj said...

How incredible, theyre both absolutely amazing but the first just pins it for me

FashionJazz said...

This is so exciting! Can't wait to hear it! Please let me know when u get ur watch : ) Happy Monday xx

rudegirlnina said...

Oh my god, amazing!!!

I can't really say. :/ I love the black and olive green, it looks so cool, but the red one is also awesome and gives another vibe...hmmmmmmmmm. O.o I really can't say...

Baby Budget Blog said...

Very cool that you're in a band! I think I'm liking the first one a bit better!


bravegrrl said...


sooooo.... you don't like?


apparellel said...

hahaha re your comment to anon. i like the colorful one down below. it catches my eye best i must say. can't wait to hear it!!


Elodie said...

The second! i love your blog and i've read every single post, and i think the second cover defines you better!
I can't wait to hear your music, i'm your biggest french fan hehe!
(sorry for the bad english!)


Anonymous said...


sooooo.... you don't like?



"congrats," i suppose, are in order; however, "truly frankly, honestly, 'no', really don't particularly like."

hey, of course, as always, "beauty's in eye of beholder;" so i'm mature/evolved enuf not to be judgmental towards anyone who thinks/feels otherwise, ya know?

but sincerely, what particularly kinda bothered/irked me, 'tho i realize it's likely some attempt to render something kinda "catchy/cool," is the title itself.

as bein' a truly strong advocate/proponent of "peace" in ev'ry sense/dimension of the word, even "stretching one's rocknroll imagination," there's really "no way" to square the "concept of peace" w/"furious."

they're jus' truly "totally antithetical, polar opposites" in meaning/derivation; and ergo, no way "furious peace" makes any kinda (real) sense. so i was then jus' merely extrapolating that, hopefully, such would not be reflective/indicative of the overall lyrics and "body of music," as a whole.

ya know, not devolving into some form of "rocknroll, 'head-banging', heavy/metal, noise." as tho' perhaps, to some in some sense entertaining (if at least likely halfway-stoned outya mind..., haha!); there still doesn't seem as if there'd be anything genuinely, "authentically 'peaceful', mellow" much 'bout it. for as intially stated, jus' "totally 'clashing', oxymoronic." seems might as well have titled it, "anti-peace," haha!, ya know!? :)

ever & always,
"peace & love..." :)

ps-however, sincerely, "good luck!" with it, & good that you apparently have some "melodious singing voice!" :)

Anonymous said...

jus' proferring what seems a more artfully appropos descript/concept in similar vein of initial intent would be --- ***MAD PEACE***, ***RAD PEACE*** :)

bravegrrl said...


it was a far cry from trying to sound catchy... does the current war make you furious? do you crave peace? how about the fact that the first electric car was destroyed? the fact that oil is more important than human lives? i'm sorry but these things are not ok by me, they indeed make me furious.

i think most people who feel feel many contradictory emotions at once.. and i do realize not every does anymore because society has made them numb and disoriented. but i do... and i know a lot of people do... have you never felt wrong and right? powerful and helpless? strong and without the appropriate tools? have witnessed something that was so ugly it was beautiful?

i do think Gandhi must have been furious to be able to endure what he did in such a peaceful way...

i think some thought is in order...

whether you do or do not like it really is beside the point, but such are times that the truth needs to be told...

and i am furious about a lot that is going on

and i am a peaceful protester... music, art, words...


Anonymous said...

while i somewhat comprehend what you're tryin' to say & can thus somewhat empathize regarding your personal feelings of "furious"ness --- however, my fundamental point of the entire understanding & nature of "peace" bein' totally antithetical & contradictory to the meaning/derivation of the word/term "furious" is still true, fundamentally "the truth" of the matter.

one cannot in any way be "furious" while simultaneously experiencing some state of "true peace." bein' "furious" definitely renders one in some "agitated, bothered, upset, angry, disturbed, enraged, etc..." state of being, far from really experiencing "peace," bein' at "peace." the two jus' cannot simultaneously co-exist side-by-side. ergo, "furious peace" still to most any soundly/reasonably thinking soul, makes fundamentally "no sense," whatsoever, "totally oxymoronic."

J. said...

Can't wait to hear it! Love the first cover best!

Lisa Petrarca said...

Can't wait to hear it! I'm torn, the 1st one makes you really study it & is so artsy but the 2nd one "POPS."

SO I guess I'm no help at all!lol!

Brittany said...

loving the blog, come check out my new developing blog xx
