the sun was glorious this weekend
i started a new book
wore this sweater three days in a row and will probably wear it again tomorrow
my shower head broke off and i've been taking baths for a week now... love it, kinda slows your day down a bit when you have to run a bath...

vintage sweater, thrifted theory knit, vintage slip, vintage scarf, chloe docs, f21 beanie, maya hoops
LOVE this outfit, you look so cool :)
xx. Peach Princess ♥
wow your boots!
Love the big jumper and boots are gorgeous.
those boots are glorious! I alway see them in red but i love your black ones and they are amazing on you! especially with the sweater and bare legs...j'adore!
dude- that first picture? aMAYzing. you look like a goddess.
I'm crazy for those Chloe Docs and your sweater! I need to go thrifting...Soon!
OMG this outfit is incredible - in partic, that cardi - I have been searching for the perfect ethnic cardi since the beginning of time!!!
Love love love
MM x
you should live in that sweater. it's too cool
the combination is simply rad.would wear immediately.
hope you are fine!
fantastic shoes!!!
you are so gorgeous! i love that sweater...amazing!
Oh heaven help moi, that outfit is too fabulous!!!
Those boots *swoons*
Love your shoes!
And thanks for reading my blog!
Ah you look awesome <3
I just moved into a new place & can finally take baths...soooo looking forward to it.
Lovin' the boots & your whole outfit!
I want those boots so bad! Do you know where I could get any? Have been searching all my life! haha xxx
love that cardi x
thx for the comment i really love ur over sized sweater really amazin but its kinda hot here now but those boots are so sexy i wld love a pair.
Love your jumper, it's a bit amazing!
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i love love this look! i'm so into bulky knits like i've never been before. the sweater thing+shoes=awesome. i have some callalilys right outside my house too. i love them. & haha, mul-ty-pass♥♥
holy cow i love that knit top. just awesome
(a new blog!)
oh my goshhhh I seriously LOVE those boots! AMAZING :)
lovely look
great blog!
this is really outstanding outlook!!
and the boots are just wow))))
Gorgeous boots!
Love the outfit - as usual.
Relaxing in the tub with a good book and some scented bath oil or candles is pure luxury. What are you reading at the moment?
... and you should. They look great on you!
love the pattern on your sweater..
and those boots are awesome!
♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
that sweater looks like the most comfortable thing evr! and it's really pretty. The whole look is amazing.
That's a glorious jumper, babe! You look invincible!
killer boots! this outfit is very native american with a twist!
Do you have any ideas for a good alternative to those boots? :P
Such an awesome cardigan.
I love your boots!
This outfit is BEYOND. Seriously stunned. That coat is such a keeper.
wow you have such a great style, love love love!
omg..i want those booots!! totally hyped!!
Amazing, i love your oversize cardigan... beautiful
sick combination.
love the boots so much.
thx for all ur sweet comments :)
love your boots to the max! <3
thank you for sharing :)
have a great weekend dear.
yudia aiiu
Amazing outfit, not very spring- like, but so cozy. Absolutelly love your sweater.
Ahh I haven't see the Chloe Docs for a while, I'm so glad to see you rocking them! too cool for school, dearie!
Beautiful photos! I always dig a sweater/coat like that!
you look grate!!
love your boots, hot! x
..you have so great and original style ..
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